Does Acupuncture Hurt?

While every patient will have different pain tolerance, for most there is little to no pain. This is due to the fact that we take great measures to reducing discomfort by using proper techniques and equipment. We can further discuss this during a consultation.


Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture has existed for thousands of years and has helped many individuals. It also has a great track record of being safe and effective. That being said, it is strongly recommended to do some additional research and learn all the risks that may be involved. This is also a topic we can discuss during a consultation.

What can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture can treat a wide of problems including acute and chronic pain, stress, women’s reproductive and menstrual health, digestive disorders, and injury. Feel free to contact us or schedule a consultation so we can best learn to treat you.

Can I undergo acupuncture treatments if i'm pregnant?

Acupuncture during pregnancy is generally safe. However, we strongly advice you to talk to your medical provider before undergoing any treatments.

Do you accept insurance ?

We accept insurance from the following providers:

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

While we would love to give a simple answer to this question, it’s important to realize that everyone will respond differently to treatment. Therefore, we recommend coming in for a consultation so we can address your needs.