Acupuncture helps out in every day life. Getting through the day can be tough, especially in the uncertainty of the pandemic.  Today I was feeling overwhelmed, tired and crabby.  But I can’t take a day off to be crabby.  My patients deserve the best acupuncture treatment and my accountant is waiting for all my tax paperwork. Today, as usual, I fall back on my acupuncture knowledge to fix my mood and get me back on track.  When energy does not flow freely one can feel stuck and irritated.  I stick four needles in my hands and feet, this treatment is called four gates.  It is a powerful treatment, in only fifteen minutes I feel my mood improve. It is the same treatment used in the functional MRI study. Neuronal Specificity of Acupuncture in Alzheimer’s Disease. In this study powerful point combinations where compared to random needling. The study demonstrated that four gates along with other point combinations improves mild Alzheimer symptoms. The study used MRI imaging. Four gates combination activated cognitive-related areas in the brain. Four gates also activated visual-related areas, the sensorimotor-related areas basal ganglia and cerebellum. After the treatment I feel calm, energetic, no longer overwhelmed.  Tasks, that seemed impossible only a few minutes ago, are manageable.  I am balanced and ready to seize the day.

by acuspotacupuncture | Mar 8, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments