Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and relieve various physical and emotional symptoms. It is often used as a complementary treatment for a wide range...

Spot light on acupuncture point of the week

Today I would like to shine a spot light on acupuncture point Lieque (English translation Broken Sequence).  It also goes by the name Lung 7.  You can locate the point by using your thumb.  The width of your thumb is a measure used in acupuncture world, it is called a...

Acupuncture to the rescue

Acupuncture helps out in every day life. Getting through the day can be tough, especially in the uncertainty of the pandemic.  Today I was feeling overwhelmed, tired and crabby.  But I can’t take a day off to be crabby.  My patients deserve the best acupuncture...

Energy flow

The 4 Vital Substances and the Zang-Fu Organs relationship in TCM! 🩸 Blood: Spleen produces Blood, Liver stores Blood and Heart moves Blood. These 3 organs relationship with Blood is very important. Therefore when one organ is Blood deficient, the others will probably...